Athena Writer

Elevate your browsing experience.

Athena Writer Rendering

Insightful Summarization

Condense vast ideas into digestible insights with Athena's summarization. Grasp the core essence of complex narratives in a single glance.

Crystal Clarity

Athena distills your writing to its essence, crafting messages that are clear, concise, and powerful. Experience the joy of simplicity in communication.

Knowledge Mining

Research Assistance Automatically search, compile, and organize relevant data from across the web for any given topic.

Understand Code 100x Faster

Coding Helper Provide real-time suggestions, error checks, and debugging while coding.

A Tutor That Never Leaves You

Customized learning responses based on your interests and academic needs.

Grammarly but Better.

Athena's meticulous eye for detail elevates your writing, correcting spelling and grammar with precision. Unleash error-free, polished prose that speaks volumes.

Create Seamlessly

Serenity Unleashed.

Integrate your apps and enjoy a seamless serene experience.

40+ Apps
Integrate the apps you use everyday for Athena to understand you deeper.
100,000+ Token Input Length
Athena is capable of handling inputs bigger than 1000,000+ words with our all-new language models.
Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Safari, Edge,
An unified experience no matter what browser you use.
Personalized Finetuning
From the moment you sign up, the entire Athena experience revolves around you, your needs, and wants.

Athena AI

All this power for just $20. Experience Athena AI – your fluid, seamless, and comprehensive AI-powered writing assistant that never leaves your side.


$240 billed annually

  • Real-time translations
  • Summaries
  • Key Points
  • Enhance writing
  • Correct spelling & grammar
  • Adjust voice & tone
  • Modify length
  • Explain
  • Simplify language